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TheSavageLands | Webstore
Welcome to The Savage Lands Shop. If in any future update Perks/Commands are added to any of the Packages in the shop they will be added to your account and you will be able to redeem them. For any info or support contact admin@thesavagelands.net or post in our discord https://discord.gg/vmJJh and an admin will get to you shortly
Nye Donasjoner
Brukernavn Verdi (USD)
Mylo 3.50
Belltrix 3.50
Belltrix 7.00
Største Donører
Brukernavn Verdi (USD)
Belltrix 10.50
Mylo 3.50
xxXPapa_BlessXxx 3.50


Server Upgrades

Ill be adding in a whole heap of new mods in the next few weeks and upgrading the VIP to 6 months (Anyone who's already a VIP or Donator will be auto upgraded), ill also be redoing the whole VIP system so hopefully that should work better, Unfortunately i can''t merge the VIP across servers at the current moment but ill be looking into if i can. Also the vote for the 5x server ends tomorrow so that'll be changed and the 1000x server might be changing to a solo/duo/trio but not sure on the multiplier as of yet so i may put that up for a vote. Hope you guys keep enjoying the server and always happy for any feedback about the servers.

By XxEpicSlayer2xX on 1st August 2018 13:21:28

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